your great content experiences, distributed at scale, to places customers pay attention
- News
- Video & Podcasts
- Social/Blogs
- Ads & Affiliate
- Slideshows
- Sponsorships
- Enhance & Filter
- Templatize
- Rank & Predict
- Calls to Action
- Cross Promotion
- Monetization
- Monetization
- Social Engagement
- Sharing Metrics
- Brand Impressions
- Sales & Leads
Our Social Syndication Hub Publishes the Right Content at the Right Time
- Predict what content will yield the best results, and publish it automatically to mobile, web, voice and social sites
- Expand your mobile, social, voice and web footprint while saving time and boosting compliance
- Generate more leads, revenue, and engagement from your content for you and your partners

SimpleFeed Launches AI Bot Management Plugin for WordPress Publishers
Are you getting paid for your content? SimpleFeed makes content syndication successful, ensuring our customers’ articles, images, and videos are sent to platforms such as Apple News, MSN, NewsBreak, SmartNews and others reaching new audiences beyond their own sites. Our customers enjoy increased revenue from syndication, partially offsetting declining Google and Social referral traffic. But […]
Premium Publishers – Are You Looking for Revenue?
Great article last week in Semafor about Apple News+ “As clicks dry up for news sites, could Apple’s news app be a lifeline?” With Google SERP changes and Social Networks sending less traffic, publishers need to rely on syndication more than ever. Semafor notes the Daily Beast is “on track to make between $3-4 million […]
Microsoft Start galleries made simple with SimpleFeed
Microsoft Start galleries do very well for publishers. SimpleFeed's WordPress plugin makes it easy to create galleries and comes with many extra features. […]
Meet SimpleFeed at
A great blog post from our friends at on SimpleFeed for Publishers. […]